- 200 Roma Street, Brisbane City QLD, Australia
- http://www.friendsqpmuseum.com.au/
- 07 3351 2797 or 0414 421 347
Friends of Queensland Police Museum
Friends of the Queensland Police Museum (FQPM) is a passionate and committed group devoted to the advancement of the Queensland Police Museum (QPM) and to the enhancement and effective sharing of knowledge concerning the history of policing in Queensland. The FQPM works to complement and develop partnerships with the QPM and the Queensland Police Service and produces a regular newsletter for the benefit of members. It raises monies to help fund QPM activities and projects that acquire and conserve items for the collections, or other projects that enhance the appreciation of police heritage.
FQPM membership is made up of people with a background in policing and/or an interest in the history of policing in Queensland. New members are welcome, as all of our activities are funded by membership subscriptions and donations.
FQPM Management Committee Meetings are held every two months from February each year and the Annual General Meeting is held on the first Wednesday in October each year. These meetings are held at Queensland Police Headquarters.
Postal address: Friends of the Queensland Police Museum, c/- Queensland Police Museum, GPO Box 1440, Brisbane Qld 4001
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email: info@historyredcliffe.com.au
Meetings on the first Friday of each month at 2pm